DJMAX RESPECT V - Clazziquai Edition PACK
DJMAX RESPECT V - Clazziquai Edition PACK!
DLC录入了[24首歌曲]的DJMAX Portable Clazziquai Edition音乐。请在DJMAX RESPECT V中演奏DJMAX Portable Clazziquai Edition的音乐!
Track List:
- Proposed, Flower, Wolf
- Come to me
- To You
- Forever
- Closer
- Coastal Tempo
- Color
- Creator
- Electronics
- Fate
- First Kiss
- Flea
- Freedom
- Here in the Moment
- In My Heart
- Love Mode
- Lover (CE Style)
- Tell Me
- The Clear Blue Sky
- The Night Stage
- Urban Night
- Y (CE Style)
- Rising the sonic